vrijdag 1 maart 2013

What will the ps4 games cost?


What we need later for that PS4 games to pay?

Jack Tretton, CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment of America, told more about this during an interview with the American news channel CNBC. The games for the PS4 will be between $ 0.99 and $ 60.00 to cost, which corresponds to roughly the same prices as we are for games on the PlayStation 3 pay. Furthermore, we also therefore assume that the prices of the European PS4 games will be the same. It is hoped that this is actually the case, because game developers have already said that the development of games for the PlayStation 4 them significantly more expensive than the PS3. Tretton also told that we have the opportunity to try games before they buy, so too for that matter, nothing changes.

Tretton also responded to criticism that the console PlayStation 4 itself was not visible during the presentation. The answer was that the PS4 is developed with the consumer and the game developer and mind. It is by far more important what the console actually, than how it looks. The only thing that Tretton about the appearance of PS4 wanted to say is that this plastic will be and will not be round or triangular. One consolation: even Sony's big boss Shuhei Toshida known the final design of the PlayStation 4 to have not yet seen.

1 opmerking:

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